Rev Fr George Ehusani

Rev Fr George Omaku Ehusani was ordained priest of the Catholic Diocese of Lokoja on the Solemnity of Assumption, 15th of August, 1981 by the then bishop of the diocese, the late Most Reverend Alexius Makozi. He worked as Assistant Parish Priest of his home parish, Christ the King Catholic Church, Okene immediately after his ordination. He was later posted to the Teacher Training College in Ogori as a teacher and chaplain of the college. He was also the Editor-in-Chief of the Lokoja Diocesan Newspaper “The Light”, for many years starting from 1990. He would later join the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, becoming Deputy Secretary-General to the then Rev. Fr. Matthew Kukah (now bishop of Sokoto Diocese) and later the Secretary-General of the Secretariat. At the end of his tenure at the Secretariat, he went on sabbatical leave in Germany for a year. He returned to serve the Archdiocese of Abuja as Parish Priest of Church of the Assumption, Asokoro, while setting up Lux Terra Leadership Foundation of which he is currently Executive Director.

Fr. George Ehusani is an accomplished theologian, author, preacher, teacher, administrator, musician, social commentator, activist and above all, dedicated priest of the Most High. He has been a standout achiever in his many engagements, applying his remarkable talents and enormous energy to dream up ideas and initiatives that have substantially impacted many lives in diverse ways. 

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