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Heavenly Father,

As we celebrate the jubilee

Of Jesus the Lord and Saviour

We pray earnestly

That you would come down

With your outstretched arm

And put an end to corruption,

Ethnic bigotry

And religious intolerance

In our land.

Look down with favour upon us

Oh Lord

That these evils may give way


In order that uprightness may rise

And flower in the land.

Bring an end to the violence,

Tension and anxiety

Which surround us today

And let our brothers and sisters

Experience the forgiveness,

Healing, restoration,

And reconciliation

Which the jubilee is all about.


Jubilee Prayer (II)

Creator God,

Teach our countrymen and women

How to rise up and be counted

On the path of reason.

Show us how to refrain

From joining the bandwagon

In the foolish life of greed and graft

Which has led our nation

To the mess of the recent past.

Make us cultivate the virtues

Of love, justice, equity,

Mutual forgiveness, discipline

And patriotism

Which alone will make for peace

And prosperity.

Compassionate One

Let this jubilee year

Bring a sudden twist in fate

For those in our country

Who in the past

Have sowed their tears

And invested their sorrows

In your loving hands.

Let those who in their tribulation

Have held on to your Word

And faithfully awaited

Your powerful intervention

Not be disappointed

In this jubilee year.



Jubilee Prayer (III)

Almighty God

You are known

All through the Scriptures

As the Friend of the poor,

The Father of Orphans

And the Defender of the widow,

So let there be a change in fortune

This jubilee year

For those who have suffered

Discrimination and abuse.

Bring about a veritable change

In the lot of the blind and the lame,

The deaf and the dumb

And those who suffer various degrees

Of mental handicap

Social isolation

And economic distress

In our land.

Liberator God,

You are the same yesterday,

Today and forever,

So let the weak and the lowly

Who are pushed to the margins

Of our society

By the strong and the powerful,

Find comfort and consolation

In your jubilee visitation.

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