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Disarm our hearts

Mighty God

And impress it upon us

That we cannot shake hands

With clenched fists


Disarm our hearts

Wonderful Counsellor

And teach us

That we cannot get a rose

Through planting a noxious weed


Disarm our hearts

King of kings

And make us recognise

That war begins

In the human heart


Disarm our hearts

Lord of lords

And show us

That violence is a descending spiral


What it seeks to destroy

And destroying

What it claims to defend


Disarm our hearts

Son of God

And enable us appreciate

With Martin Luther King Jr.

That darkness

Cannot drive away darkness

Just as hate

Cannot drive away hate

That returning violence

For violence

Multiplies violence

Adding deeper darkness

To a night

Already devoid of stars


Disarm our hearts

Compassionate Lord

And make us comprehend

The words of John Paul II

That violence is a lie

For it goes against the truth

Of humanity

That violence is a crime

For it violates

The foundation of society

That violence is an enemy

For it delays

The day of justice


Disarm our hearts

Oh Prince of Peace

And make us see

Those words of the sage

Etched in gold

And raised on the polers

Of the globe

That the choice

Before humanity today

Is between non-violence

And non-existence.

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